
A great move
...Every time!


Highton Removals & Storage Geelong

Trust a well-known Geelong Removals Business

Removals Calculator

Please use the tabs below, room by room, to make sure you include all the items for removal or storage.

Item Name Qty Item Name Qty Item Name Qty
Bassinet & stand 0.28
Bed Head 0.30
Bedside table/drawers 0.15
Book Box 0.10
Chair 0.15
Chest drawers 0.74
Chest/Tallboy 0.42
Cheval mirror 0.30
Cot 0.21
Dressing table & Mirror 0.80
Folding Bed 0.28
Mattress double 0.48
Mattress single 0.30
Playpen/stroller 0.10
Portarobe 0.45
Pram 0.45
QS/double bed & matt. 1.20
Single bed & mattress 0.62
Standard Box 0.15
Suitcase 0.15
Wardrobe 1.30
Auto trolley 0.30
Crystal cabinet 0.85
Dining chair 0.30
Other chair 0.30
Sideboard/buffet lge 1.00
Sideboard/buffet sml 0.85
Standard Box 0.15
Table large 0.99
Table medium 0.71
Whatnot 0.30
Coat stand 0.60
Dropside table 0.40
Hall stand 0.28
Hall table 0.25
2/3 drawer filing cabinet 0.24
4 drawer filing cabinet 0.28
Book Carton 0.1
Computer 0.50
Computer desk 0.80
Desk Large 0.80
Desk Small 0.40
Fax/Office Appliances 0.10
Office chair 0.28
Printer 0.10
3 seater couch 1.30
Armchair 0.48
Book Box 0.10
Bookcase 0.60
Bookshelves 0.50
Buffet large 1.70
China cabinet 0.57
Coffe table 0.14
Divan 0.60
G/father clock 0.42
Hall table 0.42
Organ 1.50
Other chair 0.30
Ottoman 0.28
Pedestal 0.14
Piano 2.00
Standard Box 0.15
Stereo (inc.speakers) 0.40
Television 0.40
Television cabinet 0.80
Video recorder 0.20
Cabinet/Dresser 0.91
Chopping block 0.14
Cupboard 0.85
Dishwasher 0.65
Freezer 1.00
Fridge large 1.00
Fridge small 0.70
High Chair/Stool 0.20
Kitchen Appliances 0.14
Kitchen chair 0.15
Kitchen table 0.98
Microwave oven 0.15
Standard Box 0.15
Baskets/Bins 0.14
Brooms 0.28
Clothes dryer 0.57
Clothes horse 0.10
Cupboard 0.45
Ironing board 0.16
Vacuum cleaner 0.10
Washing machine 0.60
Air cooler & stand 0.28
Billiard Table 3/4 1.80
Billiard Table Slate 2.40
Book box 0.10
Golf club set 0.14
Gym Set 1.80
Heater 0.11
Lampshade 0.14
Mats & Rugs 0.15
Picture/mirror 0.08
Sewing mach cabinet 0.75
Sewing machine 0.20
Standard carton 0.15
Standard lamp 0.03
Surfboard 0.20
Wine Rack 0.14
Adult Bike/Exercise 0.30
Barbeque 0.75
Ceramic Pots E/F 0.10
Chairs 0.28
Child Bike 0.14
Child Table 0.17
Directors Chairs 0.10
Dog Bed/Mattress 0.10
Dog kennel 0.75
Folding Lounge 0.20
Garden seat 0.85
Garden tools 0.28
Ladder/bin 0.40
Lawnmower 0.30
Market Umbrella 0.30
Outside Table 0.51
Pots Terra-Cotta E/F 0.08
Stackable Chairs 0.12
SwingSet / Dismantled 0.34
Table Tennis Table 1.00
Trampoline/Dismtld 0.80
Webber BBQ 0.2
Wheelbarrow 0.48
Whipper-Snipper 0.15
Work Bench 0.93
0.00 m3
Office Study
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3
0.00 m3

Your total storage is:
